Mission Statement
To provide competent, efficient and cost-effective legal representation and advice, thus advancing and protecting the programs and financial resources of the County, its officers, departments, boards, commissions, districts, and courts.
Mandated Services
The County Counsel Department is required by law to provide legal services in civil matters to the County and all of its departments and agencies. These services are therefore mandated. Certain other services are made mandatory by court decisions. For example, the courts would intervene if the interests of the minor were not protected through legal representation in child welfare dependency and adoption cases, or if lawsuits against the County were left undefended.
Discretionary Services
The department provides County officials and departments legal advice and assistance on such matters as conflicts of interest, and personnel and labor relations issues involving the drafting and interpretation of union-county memoranda of understanding, salary and fringe benefit provisions, affirmative action, employment discrimination, personnel officer training, and employee discipline. These legal services are all discretionary in the sense that the County has no legal obligation to provide them. On the other hand, providing these services saves the County far more in reduced exposure to liability and litigation expenses and in reduced employee inefficiency than the cost of County Counsel staff.
County Counsel Index
Alameda County Courts
Alameda County Sheriff's Office
California Association of Counties
Hieros Gamos
California Legislature Site
FindLaw Legal Resources
Federal Courts - Ninth Circuit
Federal Courts - Northern District of California
California Courts
Frequently Asked Questions
No. The County Counsel provides legal advice to the Board of Supervisors, elected officials, and County of Alameda employees for matters related to the operation and management of the County. The County Counsel and attorneys of the office cannot provide legal advice to members of the public.
If you need a lawyer and do not have one you can call the Lawyer Referral Service operated by the Alameda County Bar Association at (510) 893-8683. If you cannot afford a lawyer you may call the Legal Aid Society of Alameda County at (510) 451-9261 or Legal Assistance for Seniors at (510) 832-3040.
Claims for money are made by submitting a claim form to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, located at the County Administration Building, Suite 536, Oakland, California 94612, telephone (510) 272-6351. Blank forms are available from that office. The law regarding claims against public entities is complex and has relatively short deadlines. You should seek the services of an attorney for your own protection and you should present your claim without delay.
Once a claim has been presented it is administered by Risk Management Services, P.O. Box 724, Sebastopol, California 95473-0724. Its telephone number is (707) 792-4980.
Lawsuits are filed by the County Counsel but you should first call Central Collections at (510) 208-9900. The personnel there have the appropriate records and will be able to help you. There are Spanish interpreters available if necessary.
The County Counsel is not the official custodian of any records of the County of Alameda. You should inquire directly at the office or location where you believe the records are maintained.
Ms. Ziegler is the County Counsel and her name appears on all the documents filed by anyone in the office. The person most familiar with your case is usually the one who actually signed the document. That person's name appears beneath Ms. Ziegler's name at the top of the document and again beneath the signature itself. If you believe you must speak to someone concerning your matter, it is that person to whom you should speak.