Fighting Hunger...One Can at a Time
A surge of compassion and creativity helped Alameda County's Third Annual Stone Soup competition reach unprecedented success in raising employee donations to the County's annual Holiday Food Drive in support of Alameda County Community Food Bank.
County employees donated more than 6.5 tons of food and over $13,450 in cash to help put meals on the tables of less fortunate residents during the coming holiday season.
"Once again, our Alameda County employees have shown through generosity that they are truly committed to public service and making our community a better place," said Susan S. Muranishi, Alameda County Administrator. "When we mobilize our 9,600 employees, we really can make a difference."

Board of Supervisors presenting donation check to Alameda County Food Bank Executive Director, Suzan Bateson. from left to right: Supervisor Nate Miley, Supervisor Richard Valle, Suzan Bateson, Supervisor Scott Haggerty, Supervisor Wilma Chan, County Administrator Susan S. Muranishi, Supervisor Keith Carson.
The 2015 Food Drive's success was achieved by creating friendly competition between the 13 County departments that participated in this year's food drive. Departments were urged to rise above their peers by raising the most donations and by showcasing their artistic know-how through the creation of compelling sculptures/art pieces using donated food cans, boxes and packages. The displays, which have adorned Alameda County public buildings over the past several weeks, all focus on the theme of hunger.
Using food items they created several imaginative displays, including: a "Starve Wars" tableau featuring a moving replica of R2D2 made from food cans; a “Picture a World Without Hunger" photo booth built from cereal boxes and soup cans (which invites passersby to take their own selfies); and several colorful constructions celebrating the Golden State Warriors 2015 NBA Championship and utilizing the team's "Strength in Numbers" slogan to underscore the teamwork needed to eliminate hunger in Alameda County.
A panel of five judges reviewed this year's entries. Winners in this year's Stone Soup competition were:
- Best Recipe Awards: County Administrator's Office and Registrar of Voters
- Chef's Awards: Information Technology Department and Auditor-Controller
- Most Creative Awards: Public Works Agency and County Counsel
- Most Innovative Awards: Community Development Agency and Child Support Services
- Strength In Numbers Awards: Assessor and Human Resource Services
- Team Spirit Awards: General Services Agency, County Library and Social Services Agency
Also to be acknowledged are the awesome Partners who, while they did not build a display, contributed food and/or monies to the drive. Partners: District Attorney's Office, Alameda County Health, Public Defender.