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Agency/Department Safety Coordinators
What is an Agency/Department Safety Coordinator?
The Agency/Department Safety Coordinator is designated and authorized by the Agency/Department Head to lead the Agency/Department’s Safety Program.
The Agency/Department Safety Coordinator is the link between your Agency/Department and the County’s Safety Program Manager. Safety and health information flows between your Agency/Department personnel, including the Safety Committee(s) and your Agency/Department Safety Coordinator. Your Agency/Department’s safety and health information flows between your Agency/Department Safety Coordinator and the County’s Safety Program Manager in Risk Management.

For an effective safety program it is important to remind you that the Agency/Department Safety Coordinator is the primary contact for safety and health matters. In unusual circumstances, employees may contact the Safety Program Manager in Risk Management directly at 510-272-6920.
- List of Agency/Department Safety Coordinators (PDF - 85kb)*