Albert Lopez
Planning Director

General Plan, Specific Plans & Ordinances

General Plan

A General Plan is a long range policy document approved by the Board of Supervisors to guide physical, economic, and environmental growth. State law requires the County to have a General Plan which contains seven elements: Land Use; Circulation; Housing; Open Space; Conservation; Safety and Noise. The plan expresses the County's vision for the future and is the roadmap for achieving the community's desired quality of life. It is an assessment of current and future needs, and the resources needed to implement the goals and policies established. As the needs of the County change, the Planning Department with citizen comment and input makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors to reflect the direction for the future and to update the General Plan.

The County General Plan consists of several documents. Three area plans contain land use and circulation elements for their respective geographic areas, as well as area specific goals, policies and actions for circulation, open space, conservation, safety, and noise. The Eden Area comprises the communities of Ashland, Cherryland, Hayward Acres, San Lorenzo, and Fairview. The Castro Valley Area includes the Castro Valley urban area and the surrounding canyonlands. The remaining unincorporated area makes up the East County. The countywide Housing, Conservation, Open Space, Noise, Seismic and Safety, and Scenic Route Elements contain goals, policies, and actions that apply to the entire unincorporated area.

Countywide Elements of the General Plan:

Specific Plans

A Specific Plan is a tool for implementing the General Plan. A Specific Plan provides the standards for development within designated parts of the unincorporated county.

To purchase a hard copy of the plans, please go to the Planning Office, located at 224 West Winton Avenue, Suite 111, Hayward CA, 94544.

General Plan Archives - Historical Documents