Supplier Corner > Registration for New Local Suppliers
Welcome to the Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) online registration system for local suppliers. Please register only once per local Alameda County business. If you are unsure whether or not you are already registered, please click on Find a Supplier tab (located on the left side menu) to use our Supplier Query System. From there, click the Search link, enter your business name or multiple fields of information, and then click on Find Suppliers button. (You are already registered if you received correspondence from the County with an ID and Password.)
During the registration process you will have the option to sign up to receive automatic emails from the County with information regarding contracting opportunities, outreach events/training, and other various County programs and activities (eSubscribe). You may also opt out of receiving automatic email messages.
NOTE: If you are interested in applying to become a certified "Small" or "Emerging" business, you must complete and submit certification documents. Apply online (below) or print the documents and mail them to the SLEB Certification Unit at the address listed below.
- Apply Online
Register as a Local Supplier and/or apply for Small or Emerging business certification.
If you have any questions or need assistance please click here to send us an email or contact us at:
Auditor-Controller Agency, SLEB Certification Unit
1221 Oak Street, Room 249
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 891-5500
Thank you for your interest!