Current Development Projects
Pending Projects
The review process for all development applications includes an analysis of the proposal and public notification. The Current Planning Division, reviews development projects, conducts environmental review of projects, and administers the Zoning Ordinance. Current planning projects include residential, industrial and commercial projects that are currently being reviewed for conformance with local, state and federal requirements.
- Arroyo Lago Residential Project - PLN2022-00193 - Vesting Tentative Tract Map (TR-8423) subdivision of a 26.6 acre parcel into 194 residential lots with infrastructure needed to serve the development including roads, sewer, domestic water and storm drain. 3030 Mohr Avenue, Pleasanton; Side: North; Distance: .3 miles; Direction: east of cross street: Valley Street, unincorporated area of Pleasanton; Assessor's Parcel Number: 946-4634-1. Also: 946-1250-006-04; 946-1350-003-12; 946-1350-003-10 for utilities. The parcel designated for housing is in the East County Area Plan as "MDR" (Medium Density Residential") and Zoning District of "A" Agricultural. An Environmental Impact Report is being prepared per the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
June 8, 2023 Scoping Meeting
Video Powerpoint slideshow presentation**The NOTICE OF PREPARATION COMMENT PERIOD is extended to Friday June 23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.**
- Notice of Public Scoping Meeting, Thursday June 8, 2023, 6:00-8:00 P.M.
- PLN2022-00193 Notice of Preparation and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting
- PLN2022-00193 Courtesy Notice
- Arroyo Lago Plans 8-17-22 to 1-19-23 Updates
- Arroyo Lago Project Description 8-18-22
**DRAFT Environmental Impact Report 60-day review period beings Monday September 9, 2024**
- September 19, 2024 - Notice of Availability Of a Draft Environmental Impact Report
- September 09, 2024 - County of Alameda Arroyo Lago Residential Project Draft Environmental Impact Report
- Appendix A - EIR Noticing and Public Involvement
- Appendix B - Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Supporting Informations
- Appendix C - Biological Resources Supporting Information
- Appendix D - Cultural and Tribal Cultural Supporting Information
- Appendix E - Geology and Soils Supporting Information
- Appendix F - Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Wildfire Supporting Information
- Appendix G - Hydrology and Water Quality Supporting Information
- Appendix H - Noise Supporting Information
- Appendix I - Transportation Supporting Information
- Appendix J - Utilities Supporting Information
- Notice of Completion
- Fa YunChan Buddhist Center - 7825 Crow Canyon Road, Castro Valley
DAHLIN GROUP, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, REZONING, BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT~ application to develop the site for worship facilities, including the conversion of existing residence into staff dorms, construction of Buddha statues, trail systems, construction of five (5) new buildings, and other site improvements, in the C1, R1-L-BE-CSU-RV, and "A" Districts, located at 7825 Crow Canyon Road, east side, 500 feet south of Norris Canyon Road, Castro Valley area of unincorporated Alameda County, with 13 separate Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 085-4060-001-09, 085-5000-001-01, 085-4050-001-5, 085-4050-001-08, 085-4050-002-00, 085-4050-001-04, 085-4050-004, 085-4050-003, 085-4055-004, 085-4055-005, 085-4055-006, 085-4055-007, and 085-4050-010-002. - Preliminary Plans (PDF)*
- Updated Development Plans (PDF)*
- Creston Development - 19241 Center Street, Castro Valley
VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, TR-8655~ application to subdivide four (4) parcels into 9 residential lots, with access off Center Street, in the R-1-CSU-RV District, located at 19241 Center Street, 125 feet north of Edwards Lane, Castro Valley area of unincorporated Alameda County, With Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 084C-0697-010-04, 084C-0697-011-06, 084C-0697-011-07, and 084C-0697-011-09; the approximate size of the project site is 87,501 square feet, or 2 acres.
Ongoing Land Use Projects
The following is a listing of major projects that have been approved by the County and are subject to ongoing review to ensure their compliance with conditions of approval imposed by the decision making body approving their application.
Surface Mining Permits:
- The Neighborhood Preservation and Sustainability Department manages the review and permitting of new and existing surface mines i Alameda County. Click here for information on surface mining permits, reclamation plans, proposed amendments, and environmenta documents.
- Eliot Quarry (SMP-23) Reclamation Plan Amendment Project
- The complete record for this project, including the Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report, can be found at:
Wind Turbine Projects
- The Planning Department reviews Conditional Use Permits and environmental review documents (prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act - CEQA) for wind energy development in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA). The Department also manages a Technical Advisory Committee that reviews reports and polices for protection of avian and bat species in the APWRA. Click here for more information.