Development Projects/Environmental Review
- South Livermore Valley Area Plan
- Fairview Area Specific Plan update
- Revisions to ECAP policy re: Bed and Breakfast Establishments, South Livermore Valley Area
- Commercial Cannabis Regulation in Unincorporated Alameda County
- Soil Importing Ordinance
- DRAFT Soil Importing Ordinance as of September 12, 2019
- Soil Importing Ordinance Staff Report to Planning Commission for August 19, 2019 Commission hearing
- Soil Importing Ordinance Letter to Board of Supervisors for July 23, 2019 Board hearing
- Soil Importing Ordinance Letter to Board of Supervisors for July 09, 2019 Board hearing
- Note: The Soil Import fee data is available for review at the Planning Department.
- Castro Valley General Plan Implementation
- September 8, 2020 Planning Commission meeting materials
- October 5, 2020 Planning Commission meeting materials
- The Lofts on East 14th Street
- Mixed Uses Multifamily Housing PLN2021-00156 staff report
- Please follow this link for the agenda for the Eden Area Municipal Advisory Council Hearing on September 13, 2022
- Village Green Mixed-Use Multi-Family Housing - Hesperian Blvd at Paseo Grande in San Lorenzo, PLN2021-00044
~ To allow a new mixed-use multi-family project with 138 (previously 163) rental housing units, 11,049 (previously 11,524) sq. ft. of indoor retail, 983 (previously 660) sq. ft. of outdoor retail seating area, no proposed realignment of Via Mercado, and Adoption of an Update to an Addendum to the Village Center Specific Plan EIR, for property located in the Zoning District of C-1 (as modified by the San Lorenzo Village Center Specific Plan) and General Plan land use designation of San Lorenzo Village Center Specific Plan Subareas 5B, 5C, and 5D (Residential Mixed-Use: residential permitted where part of the project includes commercial development), on six parcels totaling 5.12 acres located on the west side of Hesperian Blvd, between Paseo Grande and Via Mercado, San Lorenzo area of unincorporated Alameda County, with County Assessor's Parcel Numbers 412-0039-001-03, 412-0039-002-00, 412-0039-003-00, 412-0039-004-02, 412-0042-112-00, and 412-0042-113-00. - 07/19/2021 Alameda County Planning Commission hearing staff report and project drawings (PDF)*
- 07/19/2021 Alameda County Planning Commission hearing PowerPoint presentation for PLN2021-00044 (PDF)*
- 05/11/2021 Eden MAC hearing staff report and project drawings (PDF)*
- 05/11/2021 Eden MAC hearing PowerPoint presentation for PLN2021-00044 (PDF)*
application to allow construction of a four-story, 40-foot tall (to top of parapet), 42 affordable housing studio units plus one, 2-bedroom managers dwelling unit, a community room and associated office, and 32 on-site parking spaces, located on a property that also contains an existing church (church to remain), at 2889 Kelly Street, Fairview area of unincorporated Alameda County, and in the Fairview Area Specific Plan, "R-1" Single-Family Residence zoning district, and in the Fairview Area General Plan, land use designation of "Low Density Residential", with County Assessor's Parcel Number (APN): 416 0180-020-00. Because the State Statute mandates that the project review process is ministerial and that projects are judged purely on objective standards that do not involve the exercise of discretion, the California Environmental Quality Act does not apply to the SB 35 process: Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 15268(a): "Ministerial projects are exempt from the requirements of CEQA". - PLN2021-00202 Public Hearing Notice for 05.03.22 Fairview MAC hearing
- PLN2021-00202 Planning Submittal April 19, 2022
- PLN2021-00202 Staff Report for 05.03.22 Fairview MAC hearing
- PLN2021-00202 Fairview MAC Staff Report 05.03.22 ADDENDUM agenda item POSTPONED
- PLN2021-00202 Fairview MAC Notice May POSTPONED
- 580 Market Place Castro Valley Digital Billboard Project - Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc., PLN2019-00117
- Proposed Plans (PDF - 788kb)*
- Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF - 18mb)*
- Microbrewery Ordinance
- PLN2019-00167, Cranmer / Resources for Community Development / Hayward Area Recreation and Park District
- Application for ministerial project review of affordable residential mixed-use development under California Government Code Section 65913.4 (also known as Senate Bill 35 (SB 35)), and State Density Bonus Law Government Code Section 65915, to allow a seven-story, mixed-use development containing 79 deed-restricted affordable housing units, 9,700 sq. ft. of public meeting facility on the ground and second floors, and 2,900 sq. ft. of day care on the second floor, on a 38,100 sq. ft. property.
- Site Plans (PDF - 44MB)*
- Village Green Mixed Use Project, PLN2018-00086
- 15740 Hesperian Boulevard Digital Billboard Project (Clear Channel Outdoor Inc), PLN2017-00248
- Livermore Community Solar Farm, PLN2016-00049 - Initial Study (PDF - 6mb)*
- Chinese for Christ Church Site Development Review, Conditional Use Permit, Boundary Adjustment and Variance,
David Tyson, Daniel Cook Architects -
Initial Study
(PDF - 1mb)*
- Attachments for Initial Study (PDF - 27mb)*
- MMRP (PDF - 240mb)*
- M.A. Center, Conditional Use Permit, PLN2015-00053 -
Initial Study
(PDF - 3mb)*
- NOI (PDF - 29mb)*
- John Drive Medical Office Building, PLN2019-00020
- Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF - 3.6mb)*
- Attachment A - Air Quality. Health Risk and Greenhouse Gases (PDF - 10.7mb)*
- Attachment B - Cultural Resources (PDF - 306kb)*
- Attachment C - Geotechnical Report (PDF - 3.1mb)*
- Attachment D - Phase I and Phase II Environmental Assessment (PDF - 46.7mb)*
- Attachment E - Traffic Report (PDF - 2.6mb)*
- Arroyo Lago 205 unit residential development project, PLN2017-00087 -
- Project Narrative (PDF - 359kb)*
- EIR Scope Letter Response (PDF - 104kb)*
- Vesting Tentative Tract Map (PDF - 1.36mb)*
- Site Development (PDF - 23.8mb)*
- Design Guidelines (PDF - 10mb)*
- Landscape Plan (PDF - 5.72mb)*
- Response from Kier and Wright (PDF - 179kb)*
- Design Guidelines Text (PDF - 263kb)*
- Baker Road Townhomes Project, Castro Valley, Catalyst Development Partners
- Notice of Intent (NOI) and Hearing Notice by CVMAC (PDF - 91kb)*
Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial Study (Environmental Checklist)
(PDF - 11mb)*
- Technical Appendix A - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Modeling Results (PDF - 1mb)*
- Technical Appendix B - Cultural Resources Report (PDF - 7mb)*
- Technical Appendix C - Historic Resources Evaluation (PDF - 1mb)*
- Technical Appendix D - Paleontological Resources Assessment (PDF - 4mb)*
- Technical Appendix E - Geotechnical Study (PDF - 6.9mb)*
- Technical Appendix F
- Part 1A - 20785 Baker Road Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) - Body and Sub-Appendices A-B (PDF - 6mb)*
- Part 1B - 20785 Baker Road Phase I ESA - Sub-Appendix C (PDF - 5.6mb)* Note: compressed
- Part 1C - 20785 Baker Road Phase I ESA - Appendices D-G (PDF - 5.4mb)*
- Part 2 - 20785 Baker Road Phase II ESA (PDF - 11mb)*
- Part 3A - 20957 Baker Road Phase I ESA - Body and Sub-Appendices A-B (PDF - 11mb)*
- Part 3B - 20957 Baker Road Phase I ESA - Sub-Appendix C (PDF - 11mb)*
- Part 3C - 20957 Baker Road Phase I ESA - Sub-Appendices D-G (PDF - 11mb)*
- Part 4 - 20957 Baker Road Phase II ESA (PDF - 11mb)*
- Part 5 - Work Plan for Site Characterization (PDF - 11mb)*
- Part 6 - Environmental Review Letter (PDF - 11mb)*
- Part 7 - Draft Remedial Action Plan (PDF - 11mb)*
- Technical Appendix G - Noise Measurements Assessment (PDF - 1.8mb)*
- Technical Appendix H - Traffic Impact Study (PDF - 2mb)*
- Staff Report to Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council, June 12, 2017 (PDF - 4.2mb)*
- Staff Report to Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council, September 11, 2017 (PDF - 6.7mb)*
- Notice of Completion and Environmental Document Transmittal Form (PDF - 121kb)*
- Beyer Ranch Winery Development - Tentative Tract Map, Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permit,
- Mike Callahan/Wente Bros.
- Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and of Planning Commission Hearing on 12-18-17 (PDF - 281kb)*
- Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF - 4.5mb)*
- Appendix A - Additional Project Information (PDF - 2.1mb)*
- Appendix B - Air Quality Analysis Calculations (PDF - 1.1mb)*
- Appendix C - Biological Resources Data (PDF - 615kb)*
- Appendix D - Cultural Resources Materials (PDF - 1.5mb)*
- Appendix E - Traffic Impact Study (PDF - 2.5mb)*
- Jamison Way Townhomes Project, Castro Valley, Catalyst Development Partners
- Notice of Intent (NOI) (PDF - 15kb)*
- Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial Study (Environmental Checklist) (PDF - 2mb)* Note: Appendices available upon request
- Approved Planning Commission Resolution for Tract Map 8380 (PDF - 2mb)*
- Center Street Subdivision Vesting Tentative Tract Map TR-8223 Sunny City Investment Corporation / Greenwood & Moore Inc (Castro Valley) - Initial Study (PDF - 2mb)*
- Fairview Meadows & Fairview Orchards - Vesting Tentative Tract Maps 8296 and 8297 - D Street Investments, LLC
- Notice of Preparation (NOP) (PDF - 612kb)*
- Notice of Availability (NOA) (PDF - 66kb)*
- Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR, whole) (PDF - 66kb)*
- Part 1: Cover through Project Description (PDF - 4mb)*
- Part 2: Aesthetics and Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PDF - 2mb)*
- Part 3: Biological Resources, Cultural Resources and Hydrology and Water Quality (PDF - 4mb)*
- Part 4: Land Use and Planning (PDF - 6mb)*
- Part 5: Noise, Transportation, Utilities, Other Effects and Alternatives (PDF - 3mb)*
- DEIR Technical Appendices (whole) (PDF - 33mb)* Note: large size; separated portions listed below
- Cover, Table of Contents, Appendices A & B: Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Comments on the NOP (PDF - 9mb)*
- Appendices C & D: Sensitive Plant Survey and Alameda Whipsnake Survey/Analysis (PDF - 5mb)*
- Appendix E: Cultural Resources Assessment Report (PDF - 8mb)*
- Appendix F: Draft/Preliminary Stormwater Study (PDF - 3mb)*
- Appendix G: Geotechnical Investigation Report / Updates (PDF - 5mb)*
- Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) (Response to Comments on the DEIR) (PDF - 6mb)*
- Draft Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (PDF - 238kb)*
- Planning Commission Hearing August 8, 2018, to Amend the September 18, 2017 Resolution
- Staff Report (PDF - 285kb)*
- Adopted Resolution (PDF - 468kb)*
- Planning Commission Hearing Documents, for September 18, 2017
- Staff Report (PDF - 1mb)*
- Field Trip Report (PDF - 228kb)*
- Draft Resolution, with Conditions of Approval (PDF - 245kb)*
- Findings of Significant Impact / Written CEQA Findings (PDF - 1mb)*
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (PDF - 1mb)*
- Petition to Albert Lopez/Planning Director and the Planning Commission, February 24, 2017, submitted by Cathy Langley (PDF - 1mb)*
- Outfront Media Billboards Replacement Project, PLN2017-00196 and PLN2017-00197 -
Initial Study
(PDF - 19.5mb)*
- NOC (PDF - 1mb)*
- Final Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF - 1mb)*
- Roberts Ranch Revised Tract Map - and Rezoning 4524 Crow Canyon Place, Castro Valley / PLN 2015-00224
- Notices - Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council, December 14, 2015 - Preliminary Review (PDF - 223kb)*
- Staff Reports
- Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council April 25, 2016 (PDF - 5.2mb)*
- Previously approved (PDF - 826kb)*
- Proposed site plan (PDF - 1.7mb)*
- Environmental Review
- Addendum to the previously approved EIR (PDF - 3.3mb)*
- Westgate Ventures / Roman Catholic Welfare Corporation (St. Alphonsus) Tract Map 8211 - 16286-16290 Foothill Boulevard and 2085 Miramar Avenue, Castro Valley / PLN 2013-00214
- Tri-Valley Sikh Center - Initial Study (PDF - 2.4mb)*
- Tesla Road Winery (PDF - 26.8mb)*
- Northbrook Homes/Lerob Tract Map 8057 (Fairview area) - Initial Study (PDF - 7.9mb)*
- Notice of Preparation of EIR & Scoping Meeting (PDF - 895kb)*
- Appendices to the Initial Study (PDF - 15mb)*
- Notice of Availability (PDF - 590kb)*
- Draft Environmental Impact Report (PDF - 7.6mb)*
- Attachments to Draft EIR (PDF - 17.8mb)*
- Wagly Tesla Road Outdoor Recreation Facility (Private Hiking Trails for Dogs) - Initial Study/MND (PDF - 6mb)*
- Fairview Fire Station Title Transfer (Minor Modification to 2058th Zoning Unit) - Initial Study (PDF - 501kb)*
- Castro Valley Residential Subdivision Project TR-8218 (PDF - 5mb)*
- Nella Terra Cellars Event Center (PDF - 1.5mb)*
- Vision Recycling Compost Facility
- Initial Study/Negative Declaration Sept 28 2015 (PDF - 5.3mb)*
- Initial Study Updated December 1 2015 (PDF - 13mb)*
- Altamont Winds, Inc. Permit Modification - Application No. PLN2014-28 (approved May 2015)
- Navai Properties Sycamore Road Rezoning and Subdivision - Initial Study (PDF - 3mb)*
- Proctor Road Subdivision/Tract Map 8053 - Initial Study (PDF - 17.2mb)*
- Addendum to Initial Study August 2014 (PDF - 5.38mb)*
- Updates to Initial Study April 2013 (PDF - 450kb)*
- Maps updated April 2013 (PDF - 2.91mb)*
- Appendix A (PDF - 10.4mb)*
- Appendix B (PDF - 8.59mb)*
- Appendix C (PDF - 177kb)*
- Appendix D (PDF - 546kb)*
- Appendix E (PDF - 1.5mb)*
- Appendix F (PDF - 2.86mb)*
- Appendix G (PDF - 807kb)*
- Appendix H (PDF - 8.9mb)*
- Appendix I (PDF - 1.77mb)*
- Appendix J (PDF - 675kb)*
- Shaw Group - Tract Map 8143 (2492 D Street, Fairview area) - Addendum
(PDF - 1.2mb)*
- Addendum Attachment A: Prior Mitigated Negative Declaration (2004) for MTR-7337 (PDF - 8.7mb)*
- Prior MND Appendices A - G (PDF - 7.9mb)*
- Addendum Attachment B: Letter from Clinton Kellner/LSA (Biological Survey) (PDF - 1.01mb)*
- Addendum Attachment C: Letter from Clinton Kellner/LSA (Wetlands Delineation) (PDF - 1.9mb)*
- Addendum Attachment D: Agreements, etc. related to Wetland Fill in 2006 (PDF - 2.1mb)*
- Addendum Attachment E 1-4: Geotechnical Reports, 2010-2014 (PDF - 3.1mb)*
- Addendum Attachment E 5-7: Geotechnical Reports, 1989-2005 (PDF - 2.8mb)*
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (PDF - 141kb)*
- Staff Report to the Planning Commission for April 7, 2014 (PDF - 263kb)*
- Approved Planning Commission Resolution, with Conditions of Approval (PDF - 128kb)*
- Castlewood Country Club Practice Golf Facility - Initial Study (PDF - 10.63mb)*
- Altamont Winds, Inc. Permit Modification - Application No. PLN2011-102 (approved July 2013)
- Vision Recycling Chip and Grind Facility - Initial Study (PDF - 4.76mb)*
- Altamont Solar Energy Center Project (PDF - 4mb)*
- Concannon Warehouse Project (PDF - 5.03mb)*
- Greenville Road Subdivision - Initial Study (PDF - 15.29mb)*
Accessory Dwelling Units
- 2017 Code Update Meetings/Materials
- April 25, 2017: Board of Supervisors Planning Meeting
- Second reading of the amendments to Titles 12 AND 17 of the Alameda County General Ordinance Code and the Fairview Area Specific Plan, Little Valley Specific Plan and Madison Avenue Specific Plan, in order to attain compliance with state regulations concerning Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
Agenda with link to attachments (PDF)* - March 7, 2017: Board of Supervisors Planning Meeting
- Consideration of amendments to Titles 12 and 17 of the Alameda County General Ordinance Code and the Fairview Area Specific Plan, Little Valley
Agenda with link to attachments (PDF)* - February 28, 2017: Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting
- Amendments to the Alameda County General Ordinance Code and Certain Specific Plans in order to Attain Compliance with State Regulations Concerning Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
AAC Agenda (PDF)*
Handout (PDF - 2mb)*
East County Map (PDF - 2mb)* - February 14, 2017: Transportation and Planning Committee
- Consideration of Temporary Ordinance Amendments Related to Secondary (Accessory Dwelling) Units.
Agenda (PDF)*
Memo, with Exhibits (PDF - 2mb)* - February 6, 2017: Planning Commission
- Consideration of Temporary Ordinance Amendments Related to Secondary (Accessory Dwelling) Units.
Agenda (PDF)*
Staff Report, with Exhibits (PDF - 2mb)* - January 25, 2017: Unincorporated Services Committee
- Consideration of Temporary Ordinance Amendments Related to Secondary (Accessory Dwelling) Units
Agenda (PDF - 150kb)*
Memo (PDF - 1.7mb)*
Revised DRAFT Ordinance (PDF - 1.8mb)*
Presentation Slides (PDF - 2.7mb)* - January 23, 2017: CV Municipal Advisory Council
- Consideration of Temporary Ordinance Amendments Related to Secondary (Accessory Dwelling) Units
Staff Report (PDF - 150kb)*
Exhibit A - California Government Code Section 65852.2 (PDF - 1.7mb)*
Exhibit B - DRAFT Ordinance (PDF - 1.8mb)*
Exhibit C - Alameda County Community Climate Action Plan Excerpt (PDF - 2.7mb)*
Plan and Ordinance Environmental Review
- Castro Valley Area Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
- Draft EIR- Entire Document (April 2007) (PDF - 21,313Kb) *
- Cover page (PDF - 76Kb) *
- Table of Contents (PDF - 125Kb) *
- Executive Summary (PDF - 146Kb) *
- Introduction (PDF - 68Kb) *
- Project Description (PDF - 2491Kb) *
- Land Use (PDF - 10,978Kb) *
- Alternatives (PDF - 367Kb) *
- CEQA Required Analysis (PDF - 65Kb) *
- Report Authors (PDF - 25Kb) *
- Final Appendix (PDF - 1740Kb) *
- Appendix A NOP (PDF - 328Kb) *
- Appendix B (PDF - 1116Kb) *
- Final EIR (November 2011
- 1 FEIR Introduction (PDF - 121Kb) *
- 2 Summary of Impacts (PDF - 158Kb) *
- 3 Comments on Draft EIR (PDF - 7302Kb) *
- 3.14 Climate Change (PDF - 422Kb) *
- 4 Revisions to the Draft EIR (PDF - 710Kb) *
- App A CV Policy Correspondence Table (PDF - 1180Kb) *
- Castro Valley EIR Figures (PDF - 21,286Kb) *
- Ashland Cherryland Specific Plan Update
- ACBD Specific Plan Final DEIR (PDF - 55mb) *
- ACBD Specific Plan Final EIR (PDF - 33mb) *
- Eden Area Plan
Solar Policies for Rural Alameda County
- Transportation & Planning solar memo 4-11-13 (PDF - 257 KB)
- Draft ECAP amendments revised 4-11-13 (PDF - 180 KB)
- Draft ECAP amendments revised 11-29-12 (PDF - 249 KB)
- T&P solar memo 9-13-12 (PDF - 120 KB)
- Draft ECAP amendments revised 9-13-12 (PDF - 429 KB)
- County Counsel Memo to Planning Dept. re Solar Energy 5-16-11 (PDF - 404 KB)
- Draft ECAP Amendments (PDF - 249 KB)
- Distributed vs Utility-Scale (PDF - 324 KB)
- Solar Policy TnP 11-10-11 (PDF - 81 KB)
- Solar Study Area Low Res 11-10-11 (PDF - 1101 KB)
- Board Transportation Planning solar memo 10-3-11 (PDF - 2.47 MB)
- Board Letter Solar, September 13, 2011 (PDF - 121 KB)
- Proposed Solar Policies, September 13, 2011 (PDF - 238 KB)
- Written Public Comments (PDF - 2694 KB)
- Public Comments from Community Meetings (PDF - 677 KB)
- Community Meeting PowerPoint (PDF - 711 KB)
- Community Meeting Agenda June 23 (PDF - 126 KB)
- Community Meeting Agenda June 16 (PDF - 125 KB)
- Community meeting notice 6-23-11 (PDF - 96 KB)
- Environmental community meeting notice 6-16-11 (PDF - 97 KB)
- Board Transportation & Planning solar memo 6-6-11 (PDF - 595 KB)
- Board Letter Solar 4-12-11 (PDF - 1427 KB)