Vesting Tentative Tract Map (TR-8423) subdivision of a 26.6 acre parcel into 194 residential lots with infrastructure needed to serve the development including roads, sewer, domestic water and storm drain. 3030 Mohr Avenue, Pleasanton; Side: North; Distance: .3 miles; Direction: east of cross street: Valley Street, unincorporated area of Pleasanton; Assessor's Parcel Number: 946-4634-1. Also: 946-1250-006-04; 946-1350-003-12; 946-1350-003-10 for utilities. The parcel designated for housing is in the East County Area Plan as "MDR" (Medium Density Residential") and Zoning District of "A" Agricultural. An Environmental Impact Report is being prepared per the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
June 8, 2023 Scoping Meeting
Powerpoint slideshow presentation
**The NOTICE OF PREPARATION COMMENT PERIOD is extended to Friday June 23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.**
- Notice of Public Scoping Meeting, Thursday June 8, 2023, 6:00-8:00 P.M.
- PLN2022-00193 Notice of Preparation and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting
- PLN2022-00193 Courtesy Notice
- Arroyo Lago Plans 8-17-22 to 1-19-23 Updates
- Arroyo Lago Project Description 8-18-22
**DRAFT Environmental Impact Report 60-day review period beings Monday September 9, 2024**
- September 19, 2024 - Notice of Availability Of a Draft Environmental Impact Report
- September 09, 2024 - County of Alameda Arroyo Lago Residential Project Draft Environmental Impact Report
- Appendix A - EIR Noticing and Public Involvement
- Appendix B - Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Supporting Informations
- Appendix C - Biological Resources Supporting Information
- Appendix D - Cultural and Tribal Cultural Supporting Information
- Appendix E - Geology and Soils Supporting Information
- Appendix F - Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Wildfire Supporting Information
- Appendix G - Hydrology and Water Quality Supporting Information
- Appendix H - Noise Supporting Information
- Appendix I - Transportation Supporting Information
- Appendix J - Utilities Supporting Information
- Notice of Completion
- To allow construction and operation of an outdoor (hoophouse) cannabis cultivation project located at located at 8588 Tesla Road, Livermore, California, 94550, approximately four miles southeast of the City of Livermore in unincorporated Alameda County (County) (Figure 1). The proposed project parcel is 4.36 acres (APN: 099A-1625-002-07) (Figure 2). Regional access to the project site is provided by I-580, which is located eight miles northwest of the project site; local access to the site is provided by Tesla Road (County Highway J12).
- Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR)and Notice of Virtual Scoping Meeting (PDF - 5.2mb)*
- Soltage Conditional Use Permit Application Supplement 6_28_2021 (PDF - 9.1mb)*
- Alameda Grant Line Solar PV Plans (PDF - 1.1mb)*
- Alameda Grant Line Solar Civil Improvement Plans (PDF - 3.7mb)*
- Notice of Availability (PDF - 176kb)*
- Draft EIR (PDF - 7.92mb)*
- Appendix A - NOP and Scoping Comments (PDF - 7.68mb)*
- Appendix B - Glare Study (PDF - 3.95mb)*
- Appendix C - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases (PDF - 801kb)*
- Appendix D - Health Risk Assessment (PDF - 481kb)*
- Appendix E - Biological Resources Assessment (PDF - 1.26mb)*
- Appendix F - Noise Data (PDF - 7.56mb)*
- Appendix G - Tribal Consultation Correspondence (PDF - 189kb)*
- Appendix H - Hazardous Materials (PDF - 1.68mb)*
- Final EIR (PDF - 3.6mb)*
- EBZA Hearing 9/8/2022 Materials (PDF - 491kb)*
- CEQA Findings and Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program (PDF - 561kb)*
- Soltage EIR Addendum (PDF - 3.72mb)*
- November 10th, 2022 Board of Supervisors Hearing (PDF - 8.03mb)*
- Notice of Preparation to Prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (PDF - 5mb)*
- 020519 Monte Vista Memorial Garden Combined Sheets (PDF - 11,190kb)*
- C-5.0 erosion control (PDF - 430kb)*
- C-5.1 erosion control details (PDF - 311kb)*
- Grading Drainage Utilities C-1 to C-4 (PDF - 3175kb)*
- Initial sub. drawings (PDF - 1143kb)*
- L-1 Landscape Plan-Overall 11x17 (PDF - 2099kb)*
- Monte Vista Master Summer Plan 11x17 (PDF - 627kb)*
- Monte Vista-Master Plan-Color 11x17 (PDF - 627kb)*
- Monte Vista Draft EIR and Notice of Availability 2022 (PDF - 47.6mb)*
- Appendix A (PDF - 4.6mb)*
- Appendix B (PDF - 1.8mb)*
- Appendix C (PDF - 7.6mb)*
- Appendix D (PDF - 11.4mb)*
- Appendix E (PDF - 1.6mb)*
- Appendix F (PDF - 16.7mb)*
- Appendix G (PDF - 14mb)*
- Appendix H (PDF - 269kb)*
- Appendix I (PDF - 781kb)*
- Final EIR and Respone to Comments (PDF - 22.7mb)*
- Public Hearing Notice for PC 12/5/2022 (PDF - 114kb)*
- Planning Commission hearing packet 12/5/2022 (PDF - 5mb)*
- Board of Supervisors Appeal - Public Hearing Notice for 2/9/2023 (PDF - 77kb)*
- Board of Supervisors 8/10/2023 appeal hearing - agenda link
- Notice of Availability and Intent to Adopt (July 2020) (PDF - 69mb)*
- Recirculated MND (PDF - 81kb)*
- Oasis Grow Facility Final IS signed (PDF - 3.5mb)*
- Appendix A_Oasis AQ GHG Modeling (PDF - 675kb)*
- Appendix B_Oasis Biological Evaluation (PDF - 8.7mb)*
- Appendix C_Oasis (PDF - 5.3mb)*
- PLN2018-00258 NOA+NOI (Revised) (PDF - 34kb)*
- PLN2018-00258 NOA+NOI (PDF - 30kb)*
- Oasis Grow Facility NOC_SCH Number (PDF - 199kB)*
- Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (May 4, 2020) (PDF - 225kb)*
- Notice of Virtual Public Hearing (on May 28, 2020 ) - to receive comments on the scope of an EIR (PDF - 116kb)*
- Notice of Availability of a Draft EIR, including Notice of Public Hearing (on October 22, 2020) to receive comments (September 18, 2020) (PDF - 147kb)*
- Draft Environmental Impact Report (PDF - 45mb)*
- Appendix A - Notice of Preparation - Public Comments (PDF - 13mb)*
- Appendix B - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (PDF - 379kb)*
- Appendix C - Project Site Plans (PDF - 22mb)*
- Appendix D - Air Quality, Energy, and Greenhouse Gas Technical Report (PDF - 3mb)*
- Appendix E - Biological Resources Technical Report (PDF - 15mb)*
- Appendix F - Cultural Resources Assessment (PDF - 10mb)*
- Appendix G - Water Supply Assessment and Hydrology Study (PDF - 27mb)*
- Appendix H - Acoustical Analysis Report (PDF - 5mb)*
- Appendix I - Transportation Impact Study (PDF - 15mb)*
- Final Environmental Impact Report - Volume I Response to Comments with appendices (PDF - 3mb)*
- Appendix A - Public Comments Received on Draft EIR (PDF - 94mb)*
- Appendix B - Public Meeting Comments (PDF - 411kb)*
- Appendix C - Notice of Availability Newspaper Notices (PDF - 4mb)*
- Final Environmental Impact Report - Volume II with appendices (PDF - 50mb)*
- Appendix A - Notice of Preparation Public Comments (PDF - 13mb)*
- Appendix B - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (PDF - 422kb)*
- Appendix C - Project Site Plans (PDF - 22mb)*
- Appendix D - AQ-Energy-GHG Technical Report (PDF - 4mb)*
- Appendix E - Biological Resources Technical Report (PDF - 15mb)*
- Appendix F - Cultural Resources Assessment (PDF - 10mb)*
- Appendix G - Water Supply Assessment_Hydrology Study (PDF - 27mb)*
- Appendix H - Acoustical Analysis Report (PDF - 5mb)*
- Appendix I - Transportation Impact Study (PDF - 15mb)*
- Appendix J - Conceptual Landscape Plan (PDF - 23mb)*
- Appeal Letters Received
- Aramis (plus addendum)
- Save North Livermore Valley (Selna)
- Friends of Livermore
- Friends of Vineyards and Open Space, and Farmland classification
- March 4th, 2021 Appeal Hearing Agenda and Materials
- BOS action documents
- Site Plans June 10, 2019 (PDF - 71.6mb)*
- Community Plan Exemption Checklist pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15183 - October 2019 (PDF - 17.9mb)*
- Appendix A CalEEMOD Output (PDF - 951kb)*
- Appendix B Biological Assessment (PDF - 210mb)*
- Appendix C Traffic Model Outputs (PDF - 577kb)*
- Traffic Model Outputs w/ Signal Warrant, October 25, 2019 (PDF - 2MB)*
- Appendix D AB 52 Letters (PDF - 1.69mb)*
- Appendix E Phase I and Phase II ESAs (PDF - 9.92mb)*
- Notice of Informational Public Hearing, November 25, 2019 (PDF - 73kb)*
- Ruby Street CEQA Staff Report, public comment letters, and referral responses (PDF - 10.8mb)*
- Geotechnical Investigation Feb 2019 (PDF - 6.34mb)*
- Ruby Street Exemption Master Responses May 2020 (PDF - 290kb)*
- Notice of Public Hearing, June 8, 2020 (PDF - 74kb)*
- Comments Received After Nov 2019 (PDF - 26mb)*
- Revised Grading Plan Dec 2019 (PDF - 7mb)*
- June 8, 2020 Staff Report (PDF - 1mb)*
- Ruby SDR Approval, June 17, 2020 (PDF - 117kb)*
- Approved Attachment B, June 2020 (PDF - 62mb)*
- Comments received after June 8, 2020 (PDF - 1mb)*
- Revised PC Appeal Notice Aug 3, 2020 (PDF - 76kb)*
- Ruby Planning Commission Appeal (PDF - 27mb)*
- Aug 3 2020 PC Appeal Staff Report (PDF - 413kb)*
- Aug 3 2020 PC Appeal Reso (PDF - 110kb)*
- Oct 20, 2020 BOS Appeal notice of public hearing (PDF - 105kb)*
- Oct 20, 2020 BOS Appeal letter and petition from appellant (PDF - 2.8mb)*
- Oct 20, 2020 BOS Board Letter and Resolution (PDF - 610kb)*
- Tribal Outreach Summary (PDF - 954kb)*
- Aqua Terra Letter Sept 2020 (PDF - 85kb)*
- Ruby CEQA NOE (PDF - 283kb)*
- BOS Approval & Resolution Oct 2020 (PDF - 472kb)*
- Notice of Preparation (NOP) (PDF - 612kb)*
- Notice of Scoping Meeting (PDF - 66kb)*
- Planning Commission Agenda (PDF)*
- Initial Study (PDF - 10.9mb)*
- NOI (PDF - 757kb)*
- Notice of Determination (NOD) (PDF - 884kb)*
- County Clerk Environmental Declaration Form (PDF - 100kb)*
- Partial Recirculation (PDF - 343kb)*
- Comments and Responses to Comments
- Alameda County Zone 7 (Received) (PDF - 354kb)*
- Alameda County Zone 7 (Response)(PDF - 202kb)*
- Alameda County Fire Marshal (Received) (PDF - 887kb)*
- Alameda County Fire Marshal (Response) (PDF - 256kb)*
- Cabanne (Received) (PDF - 461kb)*
- Cabanne (Response) (PDF - 464kb)*
- Cal Trans (Received) (PDF - 276kb)*
- Cal Trans (Response) (PDF - 175kb)*
- Contra Costa Water District (Received) (PDF - 1133kb)*
- Contra Costa Water District (Response) (PDF - 272kb)*
- Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Received) (PDF - 298kb)*
- Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Response) (PDF - 212kb)*
- Bouey (Received) (PDF - 461kb)*
- Bouey (Response) (PDF - 170kb)*
- Managed Organic Recycling (Receive (PDF - 251kb)*
- Managed Organic Recycling (Response) (PDF - 217kb)*
- Mendoza (Received) (PDF - 79kb)*
- Mendoza (Response) (PDF - 125kb)*
- StopWaste (Received) (PDF - 592kb)*
- StopWaste (Response)(PDF - 207kb)*
- Notice of Availability (PDF - 662kb)*
- Project Description (PDF - 224kb)*
- Significant Impacts and Mitigation (PDF - 18mb)*
- Notice of Completion (PDF - 138kb)*
- Draft EIR (PDF - 4.65mb)*
- Executive Summary (PDF - 203kb)*
- Statement of Overriding Considerations (PDF - 273kb)*
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (PDF - 331kb)*
- Final EIR (PDF - 9.45mb)*
- Appendix A - Scoping Initial Study (PDF - 11.99mb)*
- Appendix B - Composting Process (PDF - 892kb)*
- Appendix C - Air Quality (PDF - 1.44mb)*
- Appendix D - Biological Resources Assessment (PDF - 15.37mb)*
- Appendix E - Cultural/Paleo Resources (PDF - 9.60mb)*
- Appendix F - Noise (PDF - 4.60mb)*
- Appendix F - Noise (Update) (PDF - 235kb)*
- Appendix G - Traffic (PDF - 2.94mb)*
- Appendix H - Tribal Notification (PDF - 343kb)*
- Notice of Completion
- Notice of Intent
- Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Appendix A - Lighting Study (PDF - 11.99mb)*
- Appendix B - Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Energy Analysis
- Appendix C - Biological Resources Supporting Information
- Appendix D - Cultural Resources Supporting Information
- Appendix E - Geotechnical Engineering Report
- Appendix F - Summary of Soil and Groundwater Sampling Activities